The Icarian legacy: Brave Souls Page 7
He yelled from the top of his lungs.
On those words all the legionaries stood up from cover and rushed the human positions. They were met with a storm of fire. More than half didn’t even manage to make few steps before they were cut down. As their ranks thinned the marines stood up and started advancing to meet them head on.
Kal el never saw the human that killed him. A sniper shot from a fifty caliber round nearly took his head away.
Not even a whole minute passed from his yell and the firing stopped.
The marines and the SF teams looked at the carnage before their eyes. Hundreds of alien bodies laying literally on top one another filled the room. Their black blood covered the floor.
Stevens looked at the carnage and nodded to the marine major.
The major saluted.
“There might still be some of them throughout the ship. We will check the upper floors, while your men check the lower levels. The rest can guard this room.”
The major didn’t say anything he just gestured to his men and three platoons continued toward the back of the ship. The SF teams left as well.
Jackson looked at his own men. In total thirty five marines were dead and additional forty three were wounded. Considering the death toll that the aliens paid it didn’t look like much but it was a hard toil. He knew that some of the wounded won’t make it. But the ship was theirs. And that was the important thing.
He looked at the dead aliens. It was clearly that they were reptilians. He noticed the black armor.
“I wonder…”-he mumbled.
He knelt down and picked up one of the rifles that the aliens were using. It took him a minute to find the trigger. Then he aimed and fired at one of the bodies. He wasn’t surprised when the shot didn’t penetrate.
“So that is why they looked so surprised when they started dying.”
The comment came from the young lieutenant that he spoke previously.
“Yes Cole. Their armor is made to deflect advanced weaponry. If we used lasers and plasma weapons like them the casualties would have been much higher. They didn’t expect to meet us with our armor piercing ammunition.”
“Well beg my pardon sir but it seems that we primitives kicked their alien but.”
The major smiled at those words and so did the rest of the marines.
“It seems so doesn’t it? It seems so.”
“Semper Fi, Major. Semper Fi.”
The marine’s motto brought another smile on the faces of the marines.
Half an hour later the last Dacarians on the ship were dead. Not one of them surrendered.
“Sir Colonel Stevens reports that the alien vessel is secured. All resistance is eliminated. The aliens fought till the end. They don’t have prisoners. He further reports that they are of reptilian origin and that light weight ammunition can’t penetrate their armor. Armor piercing ammunition should be used against them.”
“Colonel Ivory reports that the marine detachment suffered fifty two casualties and forty nine wounded. The SF teams lost six, four among the Seals and two the SAS.”
The admiral just nodded with his head and turned his gaze toward the alien ship. It was clearly damaged but he knew that the technology that that ship held would advance mankind beyond its wildest dreams. But he also knew that this is only the beginning and he feared from what was coming next.
“Do we have any contact from our birds about the last ship?”
“Yes sir. The ship crushed in southwest Macedonia. Teams from our base in Kosovo are headed there as well as units from the Macedonian and the Greek army. They should be on site in about fifteen minutes.”
The plains are staying in the area to provide cover in case it is needed.
The admiral looked at the young officer.
“Inform the teams going after the crushed ship about the enemy. Relay everything colonel Stevens told you.”
“Yes sir.”
As the officer went to his station to relay the information, the Admiral turned his gaze toward the deployed fleet. Dozens of rescue ships traversed the waters between the ships picking up survivors… and the dead. He still didn’t have the exact number of casualties but he was sure that it was going to be in the thousands. He knew that other US and NATO battleships were headed this way and he was sure that soon ships from the Russian Black Sea fleet will join them. He knew that the world started to change before his eyes.
Fillip looked at the beautiful landscape that stretched in front of his eyes. Although the summer was officially coming to its end you could still feel the summer heat. The green forest that surrounded him gave him peace. After the long years of service and the tours he did in Asia with the Macedonian contingents this was his first real break. He smiled. Twenty seven years old and he already had enough experience to last him a lifetime. He had two more weeks before reporting back and he planned to use them well. This trip to the mountain brought him back some good memories of his childhood and the trips he and his friends made almost every day. As he surveyed the landscape he heard a distant sound of jets and something that sounded different. He heard the sonic boom long before he could actually see them. The plains didn’t surprise him. They were an almost every day experience here. But what was surprising was the different sound that accompanied them.
He could feel the hair on his body starting to rise and his trained instincts warning him. He looked to the place from where he supposed the sounds were coming.
He heard a strong explosion in the sky to the south as the large black object broke through the lower atmosphere. The object was burning and plummeting at an incredible speed toward the ground. At first it looked as if it was falling right at him but his experienced eye quickly concluded that it was going to fall at least a mile further up the mountain. And from the speed with which it was falling he knew that the shockwave will be big. As he watched he saw four US F-18 flying behind it. They immediately opened fire at it. He noticed that they had no rockets left. They looked tiny compared to the large object. He couldn’t exactly see how big the object was but it looked that it was at least thirteen hundred feet. As he watched the object pass over him at an incredible speed and as the shockwave hit him he fell on the ground. He was expecting it so he was prepared. Just seconds later he felt the tremor as the object hit the side of the mountain. He stood up and without thinking he took out in the direction of the fall.
He noticed that the jets didn’t leave and that instead they were patrolling the area at wide arcs. He knew that there might be danger ahead but as his training took over he felt no fear. He looked at his knapsack. He took out the soldier knife he was carrying and the gun. It was a force of habit to carry these two items and today it looked like it was the right call. He placed them on the belt around his waist and continued running. He looked at the watch. He knew that he didn’t have much time till nightfall so he picked up his pace.
Several miles ahead the dacarian frigate cleared a way through the trees as it impacted. The hit was strong enough to break the ship in two parts and created a crater of almost a square mile. Dozen bodies lay all over it. Huge holes on the hull of both parts showed where the missiles and the rounds hit the ship. Fires burned in the rear part where the engines used to be. Huge smoke clouds were rising above the ship and showed clearly the location of the crash.
In the air you could feel the smell of burning flesh.
Two legionaries dragged Ristarion form the bridge. One of them took his helmet of and put an injection in his neck. As the injected medicines entered his bloodstream and increased its flow he woke up with and tried to stand. As he did he felt a strong pain on the left side of his body and in to his chest.
He turned his head and noticed that a piece of metal was protruding from the left side of his stomach. It was obvious that he lost a lot of blood and that he had internal injuries. One of the legionaries looked at him with a questioning look.
He just nodded.
“Pull it out.”
As the legionary took hold of the piece he clenched his teeth. When the legionary pulled the piece out he felt a strong pain that almost made him faint. Blood started flowing from the wound. The legionary took a suppressant and injected it in the wound. After that he injected him with healing plasma. As he did the pain subsided and the blood flow stopped. As he was doing that Ristarion touched his own chest. He could feel where his ribs where broken, and where they pierced his lungs. He knew that he was dying.
“Help me stand up.”
“You shouldn’t move.”
Ristarion looked at the legionary. It was Huron. The young legionary was his friend since the day he joined the imperial legions. He was from his own clan and came with him as his protector. He knew that he can allow himself a little indiscretion. The other legionary knew that as well and showed no surprise. To the surprise of both soldiers Ristarion smiled.
“You both know as well as me that my wounds are too severe. I have internal bleeding and lost too much blood. I’m not afraid to die but I will choose the way i depart this life. And I won’t die here. Now help me get up.”
Both legionaries took hold of his arms and raised him up. As they died the pain came back and he cried out. They didn’t say a word. He looked at the bridge. It was a mess. The bodies of the crew were thrown on all sides. He was the only one alive. The consoles were all broken and several fires were burning. He could see that the deck above the bridge was collapsed and pieces of the hull were protruding to the lower decks.
They left the bridge slowly. As they did he noticed that several legionaries were waiting for them. All the survivors were from his personal guard. When they saw him they saluted and then went ahead and exited the bridge. One of them dragged the two Sicarian slaves outside. The tall blue creatures tried to resist but he could see that they were both heavily injured. They had large gashes on their bodies and one of them was holding the other trying to help him move. As he did that their eyes met. He knew their names well. They were called Arnos and Agnail. They were warriors Mran managed to capture in the last battle before this mission. He placed them in his custody for the time being of the mission and because he didn’t want them contacting the humans.
“Probably the only smart thing he ever did.”
He turned to Huron.
“When we get out you must kill them both. But give them a warrior’s death. They deserve that. And then you will give me my death.”
The legionary looked at him and just nodded. His eyes showed that he didn’t like his decision but that he was aware that it was the right one.
“Don’t worry my friend we will meet again in the afterlife.”
“Yes Rista.”
Ristarion smiled when he heard that name. It was the name only his father and his closest friends used.
“You must bring my medallion to my father Huron. Promise me that and tell him that I died with honor.”
The legionary turned to him.
“You know that I will do that. Have peace”.
After that they stopped talking. He surveyed the corridors. The ship was a mess. The decks were broken and pieces of the hull frame were visible on all sides. And as he noticed the light he noticed that the hull was split in two from the crash. When they came out he noticed the blue sky. It reminded him of his home. The legionaries sat him on one large stone that lay just outside. He noticed that the others were coming out from the other parts of the ship. He counted them. Together with him only eleven survived. Only eleven, eleven from a crew that numbered six hundred and fifty.
“May the gods grant you a safe passage and may you find better in the afterlife, all of you...”
As he said the prayer he noticed the praetorian approaching him.
“Are there any more survivors?”
“No my lord, we are all that’s left. The explosions, the tumble and the crash killed most of them although some were killed by the shrapnel’s that those human fighters fired at as before we crashed.”
As he said that he pointed towards the fighters that were circling above.
“It’s good that they can’t see us here. If they did they would surely kill us.”
Ristarion just nodded. He knew that he was right. But he also knew that the humans did the same thing that he would have done. And they deserved this victory.
“You are right. But they fight well praetorian. Remember that.”
“Yes my lord. They will be a worthy enemy just as you said.”
“Praetorian I’m dying. When I pass in the afterlife you will have command. You must hide and survive till the fleet arrives. This disk contains the information they will need. You must survive and give it to them.”
“Yes my lord. It was an honor serving with you.”
“The honor was mine Pran al Mon.”
The praetorian saluted and went to the other legionaries and gave them instructions to spread out.
Ristarion noticed the Sicarian watching him. He could see in his eyes that he knew he was going to die. As he looked in to his black eyes he noticed that he smiled. The sharp bones that all Sicarians had on their hands were removed. It was a precaution. He noticed that as Huron came to them the other wounded Sicarian stood up with effort that caused him great pain. He stood up and bowed to the other Sicarian. Then he fell on his knees and turned and looked at Huron and nodded. Huron bowed and then looking straight in to his eyes took the kerasa sword from his belt and plunged it in to his chest. The Sicarian didn’t even utter a scream. He just watched Huron’s eyes and fell dead. As he did the other one kneeled as well. As Huron prepared to kill him Ristarion raised his hand and stopped him. He pointed to him to bring the Sicarian to him.
Huron nodded and said to the tall slave to stand up.
The Sicarian stood up and slowly with a face showing his huge pain, came to him. Huron came after him.
“What do you want Dacarian?”
Ristarion looked at him.
“I want to know your full name Agnail, to know it so that I can pay my respects. Mran told me that you were a great warrior.”
“I don’t need your respects Dacarian. I just need my faith that one day you will fall. And now I know you will.”
As he spoke blood rushed from his mouth. He coughed and wiped the blood.
“How do you know that?”
Agnail smiled.
“This battle showed me. My race is old Dacarian. We were there when you fought the Alterans. And now I know that their legacy has not been lost. Their blood runs in the veins of their descendents. You came here looking for slaves but you will only find death.”
Ristarion looked at him and then looked at the landscape and the sky.
“You may be right Agnail. But neither of us will see that day. What lies ahead is for the others to see now. And this is a beautiful day and a beautiful world to die.”
The Sicarian looked at his rival. And for the first time he smiled.
“Yes it is isn’t it?”
“We are both dying Agnail. And I know that you know. You know that I never showed you disrespect and treated you well. In the name of your honor I ask for your name.”
The Sicarian looked at the blue sky and then at the green forest that surrounded them.
Then he kneeled and looked into his eyes.
“I’m Agnail Makon Curas son of Great Dean Curas and general of the imperial army.”
Ristarion looked at him and smiled showing his sharp teeth.
“It was an honor to know you Agnail Makon Curas… and … it will be an honor to die with you.”
As he said that he took out his sword. The Sicarian bowed and looked in to his eyes. Ristarion stabbed him in the chest and looked as his eyes dimmed. Then he pulled out the sword just before he died. As the Sicarian’s eyes expressed surprise he pulled him and said.
“But you won’t die that easy. I know that this wound hurts. I want you to die slowly and painfully. Like all your generals did.”
Agnail just smiled with a paine
d expression on his face.
“I knew you would do that Dacarian. But know that I will die with a smile on my face.”
As Huron dragged him the smile never left his face.
As he came close to the place where the object fell he slowed down and took of his knapsack. The he slowly started walking towards the wreckage. As he was walking he noticed two hunters about a hundred meters upfront. They were pointing toward the wreckage. He picked up his pace and tried to warn them. Before he could, he noticed three large creatures dressed in black armor approach them from all sides. The creatures looked like reptilians with round heads covered with gold helmets and they were tall. All three were over two and a half meters. The hunters tried to talk to them but before they could one of the aliens raised his rifle and fired. One of the humans screamed and fell on the ground. The other human raised his hunting rifle and opened fire. One of the reptilians clenched his chest and fell on the ground. He uttered a strange scream and then fell silent. I was clear that he was dead. The hunter tried to fire again but before he could the other alien moved with incredible speed and plunged a large sword in to his chest. The hunter collapsed on the ground dead.
Fillip crouched on the ground and started moving towards them slowly. If he had any doubts before now there were none. He stopped and surveyed the crash site carefully hiding behind the trees. He picked up his mobile and looked at the coordinates it was showing. Then he dialed.
A woman’s voice answered him looking for his password and serial number.
He dictated his serial number.
“Colonel Stefanovski what can I do for you.”
“Connect me with headquarters and trace this call.”
A minute later he heard the voice of general Stojanovski.
“Fillip what are you doing calling this number. I don’t have time, we have an emergency.”
“Does it involve aliens and a crashed ship?”
The voice went silent at his comment. He heard him yelling to someone to trace the call. He smiled.
“How do you know this colonel?”